Alliance of Early Childhood
The Arthritis Foundation
The Brainpower Compact
The Citizens Committee for Legislative Reform
Dayton Hudson Corporate Environmental Development
Honeywell Applications Systems Division
Honeywell Corporate Business Planning
Honeywell Corporate Employee Relations
Housing Minnesota
Housing Minnesota/ Committee on Workforce
Housing (2001-2003)
Jobs for Minnesota
Metro Cable Network/Channel 6
The Minnesota Business Partnership
Minnesotans for a Single House Legislature
Minnesota State Senate
4K/Minnesota School Readiness Business Advisory Council (2002-2004)
retained the Williston Group to organize business for our campaign to
help get Minnesota kids better prepared for kindergarten. And that’s
what Chuck Slocum was able to do.
He worked with us and, using his network and hands-on business
experience, we developed an effective way to engage business through
what we call The Minnesota School Readiness Business Advisory Council.
He continues to provide the leadership that we believe will be
essential to our success….”
President & CEO
Ready 4 K
Suicide Awareness/ Voices of Education
Tunheim Partners/ ACE Panel (2004)
Westmoreland, Larson & Hill